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  • Guns N' Roses – "The Spaghetti Incident?" (Used) (Mint Condition)

    1 Since I Don't Have You
    Bass  Duff McKagan
    Drums  Matt Sorum
    Guitar [Lead & Rhythm]  Slash (3)
    Guitar [Rhythm]  Gilby Clarke
    Keyboards  W. Axl Rose*
    Other [Originally Recorded By]  Skyliners - 1958, The
    Piano  Dizzy Reed
    Vocals  W. Axl Rose*
    2 New Rose
    Bass  Duff McKagan
    Drums  Matt Sorum
    Guitar [Lead & Rhythm]  Slash (3)
    Guitar [Rhythm]  Gilby Clarke
    Other [Originally Recorded By]  Damned - 1977, The
    Vocals  Duff McKagan
    Written-By  Brian James
    3 Down On The Farm
    Bass  Duff McKagan
    Drums  Matt Sorum
    Guitar [Lead & Rhythm]  Slash (3)
    Guitar [Rhythm]  Gilby Clarke
    Other [Originally Recorded By]  UK Subs - 1980, The
    Vocals  W. Axl Rose*
    4 Human Being
    Bass  Duff McKagan
    Drums  Matt Sorum
    Guitar [Lead & Rhythm]  Slash (3)
    Guitar [Rhythm]  Gilby Clarke
    Kazoo  W. Axl Rose*
    Keyboards  Dizzy Reed
    Other [Originally Recorded By]  New York Dolls - 1974, The
    Vocals  W. Axl Rose*
    Written-By  David Johansen, Johnny Thunders
    5 Raw Power
    Bass  Duff McKagan
    Drums  Matt Sorum
    Guitar [Lead & Rhythm]  Slash (3)
    Guitar [Rhythm]  Gilby Clarke
    Keyboards  Dizzy Reed
    Other [Originally Recorded By]  Iggy And The Stooges - 1973
    Vocals  Axl*, Duff*
    Written-By  Iggy Pop, James Williamson
    6 Ain't It Fun
    Bass  Duff McKagan
    Drums  Matt Sorum
    Guitar [Additional]  Mike Staggs
    Guitar [Lead & Rhythm]  Slash (3)
    Other [Originally Recorded By]  Dead Boys - 1978, The
    Vocals  W. Axl Rose*, Michael Monroe
    Written-By  Cheetah Chrome, Peter Laughner
    7 Buick Makane (Big Dumb Sex)
    Bass  Duff McKagan
    Drums  Matt Sorum
    Guitar [Lead & Rhythm]  Slash (3)
    Guitar [Rhythm]  Gilby Clarke
    Other [Originally Recorded By]  Soundgarden - 1989, T. Rex - 1973
    Vocals  Axl*, Slash (3)
    8 Hair Of The Dog
    Bass  Duff McKagan
    Drums, Percussion  Matt Sorum
    Guitar [Lead & Rhythm]  Slash (3)
    Guitar [Rhythm]  Gilby Clarke
    Keyboards  Dizzy Reed
    Other [Originally Recorded By]  Nazareth - 1975
    Percussion  Mike Fasano
    Vocals  W. Axl Rose*
    9 Attitude
    Backing Vocals [Background Vocals]  Matt Sorum, Slash (3)
    Bass  Duff McKagan
    Drums  Matt Sorum
    Guitar [Lead & Rhythm]  Slash (3)
    Guitar [Rhythm]  Gilby Clarke
    Other [Originally Recorded By]  Misfits - 1980, The
    Vocals  Duff McKagan
    Written-By  Glenn Danzig
    10 Black Leather
    Bass  Duff McKagan
    Drums  Matt Sorum
    Guitar [Lead & Rhythm]  Slash (3)
    Guitar [Rhythm]  Gilby Clarke
    Other [Originally Recorded By]  Steve Jones/The Sex Pistols - 1980
    Vocals  W. Axl Rose*
    Written-By  Steven Jones*
    11 You Can't Put Your Arms Around A Memory
    Acoustic Guitar  Duff McKagan
    Backing Vocals [Background Vocals]  Dizzy Reed, Duff McKagan, Eddie Huletz
    Bass  Duff McKagan
    Drums  Duff McKagan
    Engineer  Jim Mitchell
    Engineer [Assisted By]  Allen Abrahamson, Craig Brock, Ed Goodreau, John Aguto, Shawn Berman
    Guitar [Additional]  Carlos Booy
    Guitar [Lead & Rhythm]  Richard Duguay (2)
    Other [Originally Recorded By]  Johnny Thunders - 1978
    Vocals  Duff McKagan
    Written-By  Johnny Thunders
    12 I Don't Care About You
    Backing Vocals [Background Vocals]  Blake Stanton, Eric Mills, Rikki Rachtman*, Slash (3), S.C. Bailey*
    Bass  Duff McKagan
    Drums  Matt Sorum
    Guitar [Lead & Rhythm]  Slash (3)
    Guitar [Rhythm]  Gilby Clarke
    Other [Originally Recorded By]  Fear - 1982
    Vocals  W. Axl Rose*
    Written-By  Lee Ving