  • Source
  • Speakers & Hifi
  • AZLA SednaEarfit XELASTEC 2 Pairs

    • Shape changes softly by body heat after a few minutes to fit the various shape of the ear canal without any stress.
    • Absorbs body heat energy and getting more elastic property so it can fit better to the ear and gives perfect seal.
    • Straight shape of inner structure of sound bore offers wide dynamic range, deeper bass, natural and clear sound
    • Comply with the FDA (FDA) and EU10/2011 regulations, so you can safely and confidently use it. Compliant to FDA regulations for applications with food contact.
    • Various option of size by analyzing the shape of more than 1,500 ears over two years. (L-Large / ML-Medium Large / M-Medium / MS-Medium Small / S-Small / SS-Small Small)